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Alan brunwin and his children's books

These are just some of my children's stories, I've had them read at local schools and the local libarary and children loved the stories all of them. So they are the best judges for what we do, if you can keep thier attention all the way through a well written story, its job well done, and many children leave with a happy smile after hearing it.

Snellie Snail

Snellie Snail
New Children's fully illustrated book

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Miss Amanda Jane Owen; Social worker Sutton council

Miss Amanda Jane Owen; Social worker Sutton council; Registered company UNIT 34 EUROLINK BUSINESS CENTRE 49 EFFRA ROAD LONDON SW2 1BZ Company Director of ; CORAL COMMUNITY ASSESSMENTS LIMITED; Total Assets £112,898 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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